Mentions Légales

Mentions légales

Editeur du site :

Raison sociale : CENPA

Forme juridique : société par actions simplifiée

Capital social : 26.850.000 euros

Siège social : 5 rue de la Gare – 67590 Schweighouse-sur-Moder

RCS de Strasbourg TI : 322 707 506

Tél. +33 3 88 72 09 0

Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : FR62322707506

Directeur de la publication : André Calisti


Hébergeur du site :

Entreprise : OVH SAS
Adresse : 2 Rue Kellermann
Code postal : 59 100
Pays : France
Tél. : 1007

Agence / Webmaster

Entreprises individuelles agissants sous le nom commercial commun “Marine & Olga” :



CENPA s’efforce d’assurer au mieux de ses possibilités, l’exactitude et la mise à jour des informations diffusées sur ce site, dont elle se réserve le droit de corriger, à tout moment et sans préavis, le contenu. Toutefois, CENPA ne peut garantir l’exactitude, la précision ou l’exhaustivité des informations mises à la disposition sur ce site.



En conséquence, CENPA décline toute responsabilité :

  • pour toute interruption, suspension ou dysfonctionnement du site
  • perte de données
  • survenance de bogues
  • pour toute inexactitude ou omission portant sur des informations disponibles sur le site ;
  • pour tous dommages résultant d’une intrusion frauduleuse d’un tiers ayant entraîné une modification des informations mises à la disposition sur le site ;
  • et plus généralement de tout dommage direct et indirect, quelles qu’en soient les causes, origines, natures ou conséquences en ce y compris notamment les coûts pouvant survenir du fait de l’acquisition de biens proposés sur le site, les pertes de profits, de clientèle, de données ou tout autre perte de biens incorporels pouvant survenir à raison de l’accès de quiconque au site ou de l’impossibilité d’y accéder ou du crédit accordé à une quelconque information provenant directement ou indirectement de ce dernier.



Le site peut inclure des liens vers d’autres sites Web ou d’autres sources Internet. Dans la mesure où CENPA ne peut contrôler ces sites et ces sources externes, CENPA ne peut être tenu pour responsable de la mise à disposition de ces sites et sources externes, et ne peut supporter aucune responsabilité quant au contenu, publicités, produits, services ou tout autre matériel disponible sur ou à partir de ces sites ou sources externes. De plus, CENPA ne pourra être tenu responsable de tous dommages ou pertes avérés ou allégués consécutifs ou en relation avec l’utilisation ou avec le fait d’avoir fait confiance au contenu, à des biens ou des services disponibles sur ces sites ou sources externes.


Droit de propriété de CENPA

L’ensemble de ce site relève de la législation internationale sur le droit d’auteur, le droit des marques et, de façon générale, sur la propriété intellectuelle, aussi bien en ce qui concerne sa forme (choix, plan, disposition des matières, moyens d’accès aux données, base de données ou toute organisation des données, etc.), qu’en ce qui concerne chacun des éléments de son contenu (marques, textes, images, vidéo, etc.). Ces contenus, figurant sur les pages de ce site, sont la propriété exclusive de CENPA et de ses contributeurs ceux-ci ne concédant aucune licence, ni aucun autre droit que celui de consulter le site. La reproduction de tout contenu publié sur le site est seulement autorisée aux fins exclusives d’information pour un usage personnel et privé. Toute reproduction, toute extraction ou toute utilisation de contenu réalisé à d’autres fins étant expressément interdites. Par exception, certains contenus (textes, images) sont la propriété de leurs auteurs respectifs.


Toute reproduction, représentation, diffusion ou rediffusion, en tout ou partie, du contenu de ce site sur quelque support ou par tout procédé que ce soit (notamment par voie de caching, framing) de même que toute vente, revente, retransmission ou mise à disposition de tiers de quelque manière que ce soit sont interdites. Le non-respect de cette interdiction constitue une contrefaçon susceptible d’engager la responsabilité civile et pénale de son auteur.


Editor :

Corporate name : CENPA

Legal form : société par actions simplifiée

Share capital : 26.850.000 euros

Headquarter : 5 rue de la Gare – 67590 Schweighouse-sur-Moder

RCS de Strasbourg TI : 322 707 506

Tel. +33 3 88 72 09 0

VAT number : FR62322707506

Chief editor : André Calisti



Hosting provider :

Entreprise : OVH SAS
Adresse : 2 Rue Kellermann
Code postal : 59 100
Pays : France
Tél. : 1007


Sole proprietorships operating under the common trade name « Marine & Olga » :



CENPA commits itself to ensuring, to the best of its ability, that the information posted on this site is correct and up-to-date. CENPA reserves the right to correct the site’s content at any time and without warning. However, CENPA cannot guarantee the correctness, precision, thoroughness or completeness of the information available on this site.


As a result, CENPA declines responsibility:

  • for any interruption, suspension or malfunction of any kind of the site;
  • loss of data;
  • for any bugs;
  • for any errors or omissions contained in the information available on the site,
  • for any and all damage resulting from a third party’s fraudulent intrusion which causes modifications to the information contained on the site;
  • from any direct or indirect damage, whatever its cause or causes, nature, origins or consequences. This includes costs resulting from the purchase of goods on the site, profit, client and data losses or any other loss of material goods arising from anyone’s access or failed access to the website, or any credit granted to information coming directly or indirectly from the site.



The site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. CENPA cannot control these sites and external sources. Hence, CENPA cannot be held responsible for those sites or external sources, and declines any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services and any other material available on or branching off those sites and external sources. In addition, CENPA cannot be held responsible for any damage or losses, true or alleged, deriving from the use or from having trusted the content, or goods and services available on those sites or external sources.



CENPA Property rights

This entire site is protected by international legislation on copyrights, trademarks and in general intellectual property rights, covering both the form (choice, structure and design of materials, means of accessing data, database or any organization of data, etc.), and each element of content (brands, text, illustrations, graphics and other visuals, video, etc.). The content on the pages of this site is the exclusive property of CENPA and its contributors, who do not grant any license or other right than to consult these materials on the site. Reproduction of any content published on this site is authorized only for information purposes and exclusively for personal and private use. Any reproduction, extraction or other use of the content for other purposes is expressly prohibited. Specific exceptions may be made for certain content (text, visuals) that are the property of their respective authors.


Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, total or partial, of the content using any process (in particular caching or framing) as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or supply to a third party in any manner, is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with these restrictions constitutes counterfeiting and exposed the perpetrator to civil and criminal liability.






Privacy Policy


Editor : Arnaud Jacquet
Corporate name: CENPA SAS
Legal form: société par actions simplifiée
Share capital: 28.650.000 euros
Headquarters: 5 rue de la Gare – 67590 Schweighouse-sur-Moder
RCS de Strasbourg TI : 322 707 506
Tel. +33 3 88 72 09 00
VAT No: […]
Chief Editor: Arnaud Jacquet

Hosting provider : OVH


Sole proprietorships operating under the common trade name « Marine & Olga » :

CENPA commits itself to ensuring, to the best of its ability, that the information posted on this site is correct and up-to-date. CENPA reserves the right to correct the site’s content at any time and without warning. However, CENPA cannot guarantee the correctness, precision, thoroughness or completeness of the information available on this site.
As a result, CENPA declines responsibility:
– for any interruption, suspension or malfunction of any kind of the site;
– loss of data;
– for any bugs;
– for any errors or omissions contained in the information available on the site,
– for any and all damage resulting from a third party’s fraudulent intrusion which causes modifications to the information contained on the site;
– from any direct or indirect damage, whatever its cause or causes, nature, origins or consequences. This includes costs resulting from the purchase of goods on the site, profit, client and data losses or any other loss of material goods arising from anyone’s access or failed access to the website, or any credit granted to information coming directly or indirectly from the site.
The site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. CENPA cannot control these sites and external sources. Hence, CENPA cannot be held responsible for those sites or external sources, and declines any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services and any other material available on or branching off those sites and external sources. In addition, CENPA cannot be held responsible for any damage or losses, true or alleged, deriving from the use or from having trusted the content, or goods and services available on those sites or external sources.
CENPA Property rights
This entire site is protected by international legislation on copyrights, trademarks and in general intellectual property rights, covering both the form (choice, structure and design of materials, means of accessing data, database or any organization of data, etc.), and each element of content (brands, text, illustrations, graphics and other visuals, video, etc.). The content on the pages of this site is the exclusive property of CENPA and its contributors, who do not grant any license or other right than to consult these materials on the site. Reproduction of any content published on this site is authorized only for information purposes and exclusively for personal and private use. Any reproduction, extraction or other use of the content for other purposes is expressly prohibited. Specific exceptions may be made for certain content (text, visuals) that are the property of their respective authors.
Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, total or partial, of the content using any process (in particular caching or framing) as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or supply to a third party in any manner, is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with these restrictions constitutes counterfeiting and exposed the perpetrator to civil and criminal liability.


Important note concerning data processing in connection with Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited. If the responsible body for the data processing that occurs via this website has their basis outside of the European Economic area and Switzerland, then the associated Google Analytics data processing is carried out by Google LLC. Google Ireland Limited and Google LLC. will hereinafter be referred to as “Google”.

Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files saved on the site visitor’s computer, to help the website analyze their use of the site. The information generated by the cookie (including the truncated IP address) about the use of the website will normally be transmitted to and stored by Google.

Google Analytics is used exclusively with the extension « _anonymizeIp () » on this website. This extension ensures an anonymization of the IP address by truncation and excludes a direct personal reference. Via this extension Google truncates the site visitor’s IP address within member states of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional situations will the site visitor’s full IP address be transmitted to Google servers in the United States and truncated there. The IP address, that is provided by the site visitor’s browser in using Google Analytics will not be merged by Google with other data from Google.

On behalf of the site operator, Google will use the information collected to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other website and internet related services to the site operator (Art. 6 (1)( f) GDPR). The legitimate interest in data processing lies in the optimization of this website, the analysis of the use of the website and the adaptation of the content. The interests of the users are adequately protected by the pseudonymization of their data.

Google LLC. has certified their compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and on that basis they provides a guarantee to comply with European data protection law. The data sent and linked to the Google Analytics cookies, e.g. user IDs or advertising IDs will be automatically deleted after 50 months. The deletion of data whose retention period has been reached is done automatically once a month.

The website visitor may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser. The website visitor can also prevent Google from collecting information (including their IP address) via cookies and processing this information by downloading this browser plugin and installing it:

The website visitor can prevent data collection via Google Analytics on this website by clicking here. An « Opt-out Cookie » shall then be applied which shall prevent any future collection of the site visitors data when visiting this website.

Further information concerning data processing and use by Google, the settings and deactivation possibilities can be found in the Google Privacy Policy ( as well as in the Google Ads Settings (



We use the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google LLC (Google) to protect your submissions via internet submission forms on this site. This plugin checks if you are a person in order to prevent certain website functions from being (ab)used by spam bots (particularly comments). This plugin query includes the sending of the IP address and possibly other data required by Google for the Google reCAPTCHA service. For this purpose your input will be communicated to and used by Google. However, your IP address is previously truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states which are party to the agreement on the European Economic Area and is, as such, anonymized. Only in exceptional cases is a full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the United States and truncated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of this service. The IP address provided by reCaptcha from your browser shall not be merged with any other data from Google.
This data collection is subject to the data protection regulations of Google (Google Inc.). For more information about Google’s privacy policy, please visit:
By using the reCAPTCHA service, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.